Friday, February 24, 2006
i'd disagree with the part about her having a plight worse than the disaster victims, but other than tat, yeah.. i'd say i agree more or less with the better man. but first let me digress.. lemme point ur attn to teh sentence "..why is all the attention on poor tammy and not her boyfriend?" ya, tammy AND her bf are in this together, but how come only tammy's name get mentioned? watever blame/ridicule/pity tat tammy gets, her bf shld get it too. in fact, its not juz their incident. whenever somethign scandalous happens between a gal and a guy and especially it it involves the word which begins with s, ends with x and has e in the middle, its always the female name tat is on the tip of everyone's tongue. juz look at that FEMALE taiwanese polician..wats her name i forgot (good for her). i feel unjust for my half of the world population. its true, there will never be equality between the sexes. while i'd say inequality between teh sexes are sometimes sensible and justified (for after all women and men have different emotional and physical makeup, and are capable at different things), in the case of fingerpointing, inequality is, and shld always be, totally uncalled for.
ok gg back to the topic on hand, i'd say that tammy AND her bf are really very poor things now. it is definitely wrong to "[sentence] a victim of a robbery to jail because he/she was robbed." altho it is true that they were silly enough to commit the mistake of recording their sexploits on film, they do not deserve to be ridiculed and shamed by the public juz becuz of tat silly mistake.(i am not condoning pre-marital sex, that is another issue which i can blog one whole paragraph on) and if i were them, i wldnt noe wat to do except to take a year off school, at the very minimum. guess i'll change my name too. and mebbe wear shades, change my hair colour and never wear it up when i go out to public, and tats only when i cant stand being cooped up at home anymore.
actually, its not really juz the stares/condemnation/ridicule from the public that plague the couple. it is also, if not more so, the fear and shame felt within themselves. becuz, even if their disguise is successful and no one recognises them, its inevitable that they'll keep having tots of otherwise. the fears itself, of recognisation and even hearing their names from lips of strangers are bad enough, nevermind whether the public ACTUALLY recognises them or talk about them. even when everybody has forgotten about them, it doesnt mean that they (ie tammy AND bf) themselves will have forgotten about this issue.. i guess teh emotional scar will take a long time to heal.. i wish them all the best in this aspect.
but well altho i really feel for them, at the same time really, i feel they should have been smarter than to take a video of their sexploits and not only that, but also to keep it on their handphone, sthg tat is so easily lost, if not stolen. cuz really, watever you record, no matter how much you want it to be hidden, no matter wat measures you take to keep it concealed, there's always a chance that it will be exposed someday. and never underestimate that possibility, especially if its sthg you really do not want to show anyone. as i have said to a fren before, the only things tat we can conceal (and only from men, not God) are the things that were never out in the daylight in teh first place.
in a nutshell, i'd say the TWO of them deserve our sympathies (and i hope that their loved ones can rally round them and support them), and i guess the only critical thing i can say about them is tat in teh first place they shouldnt have done such silly things tat cld have (and eventually did) hurt themselves.
ehhh wanted to juz spend 5 min to write a short comment about the better man's entry but in the end wasted 1plus hour.. =| not like i'm so free.. i've been wondering how i can survive my 6 deadlines over the next 2 weeks. heh.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Arena(known to self and others) bold, idealistic, patient, quiet, reflective | Blind Spot(known only to others) able, accepting, adaptable, brave, calm, caring, cheerful, clever, confident, dignified, energetic, friendly, giving, happy, helpful, intelligent, introverted, kind, logical, nervous, religious, searching, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, shy, silly, spontaneous, sympathetic, trustworthy, warm |
Façade(known only to self)
| Unknown(known to nobody) complex, dependable, extroverted, independent, ingenious, knowledgeable, loving, mature, modest, observant, organised, powerful, proud, relaxed, responsive, self-assertive, tense, wise, witty |
Dominant Traits
61% of people think that wispie is cheerful
All Percentages
able (5%) accepting (11%) adaptable (11%) bold (5%) brave (5%) calm (5%) caring (11%) cheerful (61%) clever (16%) complex (0%) confident (11%) dependable (0%) dignified (5%) energetic (5%) extroverted (0%) friendly (33%) giving (5%) happy (11%) helpful (16%) idealistic (27%) independent (0%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (11%) introverted (11%) kind (11%) knowledgeable (0%) logical (5%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (0%) nervous (5%) observant (0%) organised (0%) patient (5%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (11%) reflective (33%) relaxed (0%) religious (33%) responsive (0%) searching (16%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (22%) sensible (5%) sentimental (44%) shy (16%) silly (27%) spontaneous (5%) sympathetic (5%) tense (0%) trustworthy (5%) warm (22%) wise (0%) witty (0%)
You can make your own Johari Window, or view wispie's full data.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
excerpt from "A Kiss Is Hardly Just A Kiss", The Straits Times, 15th Feb-
“How did a single act become a medium for so many messages?
There are two possibilities: Either the kiss is a human universal, one of the constellation of innate traits, including language and laughter, that unites us as a species, or it is an invention, like fire or wearing clothes, an idea so good that it was bound to metastasise across the globe.
Scientists have found evidence for both hypotheses. Other species engage in behaviour that looks an awful lot like the smooch (though without its erotic overtones), which implies that kissing might be just as animalistic an impulse as it sometimes feels.
Snails caress each other with their antennae, birds touch beaks and many mammals lick each other's snouts. Chimpanzees even give platonic pecks on the lips. But only humans and our lascivious primate cousins, the bonobos, engage in full-fledged, tongue-on-tongue tonsil-hockey.
Even though all of this might suggest that kissing is in our genes, not all human cultures do it. Charles Darwin was one of the first to point this out. In his book, The Expression Of The Emotions In Man And Animals, he noted that kissing 'is replaced in various parts of the world by the rubbing of noses'.
Early explorers of the Arctic dubbed this the Eskimo kiss although, as it turns out, the Inuit were not merely rubbing noses but were smelling each other's cheeks.
All across Africa, the Pacific and the Americas, we find cultures that did not know about mouth kissing until their first contact with European explorers. And the attraction was not always immediately apparent.
Most considered the act of exchanging saliva revolting. Among the Lapps of northern Finland, both sexes would bathe together in a state of complete nudity, but kissing was regarded as beyond the pale.
To this day, public kissing is still seen as indecent in many parts of the world.
In 1990, the Beijing-based Workers Daily advised its readers that 'the invasive Europeans brought the kissing custom to China, but it is regarded as a vulgar practice which is all too suggestive of cannibalism'.
If kissing is not universal, then someone must have invented it. Vaughn Bryant, an anthropologist at Texas A&M University, has traced the first recorded kiss back to India, somewhere around 1500BC, when early Vedic scriptures started to mention people 'sniffing' with their mouths, and later texts describe lovers 'setting mouth to mouth'. From there, he hypothesises, the kiss spread westward when Alexander the Great conquered the Punjab in 326BC.
The Romans were inveterate kissers and, along with Latin, the kiss became one of their chief exports. Not long after, early Christians invented the notion of the ritualistic 'holy kiss' and incorporated it into the Eucharist ceremony.
According to some cultural historians, it is only within the last 800 years, with the advent of effective dentistry and the triumph over halitosis (the condition of having bad or foul-smelling breath), that the lips were freed to become an erogenous zone.
For Sigmund Freud, the famous 19th-century psychoanalyst, kissing was a subconscious return to suckling at the mother's breast. Other commentators have noted that the lips bear a striking resemblance to the labia, and that women across the world go to great lengths to make their lips look bigger and redder than they really are to simulate the appearance of sexual arousal, like animals in heat.
A few anthropologists have suggested that mouth kissing is a 'relic gesture', with evolutionary origins in the mouth-to-mouth feeding that occurred between mother and baby in an age before baby foods, and that still takes place in a few parts of the world today.
It can hardly be a coincidence, they note, that in several languages the word for kissing is synonymous with pre-mastication, or that 'sweet' is the epithet most commonly applied to kisses.
But kissing may be more closely linked to our sense of smell than taste. Almost everyone has a distinct scent that is all one's own. Some people can even recognise their relatives in a dark room simply by their body odour (some relatives more than others).
Kissing could have begun as a way of sniffing out who's who. From a whiff to a kiss was just a short trip across the face.
Whatever its origins, kissing seems to be advantageous. A study conducted during the 1980s found that men who kiss their wives before leaving for work live longer, get into fewer car accidents and have a higher income than married men who do not.
So put down this newspaper and pucker up. It does a body good.”
-Joshua Foer-
i like the last paragraph most. *wink*
Friday, February 17, 2006
click here to get to my johari window. tell me after you have done it k, so that i can go check. hehe. leave a comment here if i'm not on msn.. thx!! =D
meanwhile, the results so far:
Arena(known to self and others) bold, idealistic, quiet, reflective | Blind Spot(known only to others) accepting, adaptable, caring, cheerful, confident, dignified, energetic, friendly, giving, happy, helpful, intelligent, introverted, kind, nervous, religious, searching, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, shy, silly, spontaneous, warm |
Façade(known only to self) patient | Unknown(known to nobody) able, brave, calm, clever, complex, dependable, extroverted, independent, ingenious, knowledgable, logical, loving, mature, modest, observant, organised, powerful, proud, relaxed, responsive, self-assertive, sympathetic, tense, trustworthy, wise, witty |
Dominant Traits
60% of people think that wispie is sentimental
All Percentages
able (0%) accepting (10%) adaptable (10%) bold (10%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (20%) cheerful (50%) clever (0%) complex (0%) confident (20%) dependable (0%) dignified (10%) energetic (10%) extroverted (0%) friendly (30%) giving (10%) happy (10%) helpful (20%) idealistic (20%) independent (0%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (10%) introverted (10%) kind (10%) knowledgable (0%) logical (0%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (0%) nervous (10%) observant (0%) organised (0%) patient (0%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (10%) reflective (30%) relaxed (0%) religious (30%) responsive (0%) searching (10%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (30%) sensible (10%) sentimental (60%) shy (30%) silly (20%) spontaneous (10%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (0%) warm (20%) wise (0%) witty (0%)
You can make your own Johari Window, or view wispie's full data.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
i am still plagued with the stress of fyp....
i am still bothered by dumb guys....
i am still unclear as to wat do to after graduation...
i still like unique colours..
i still take things for granted..
but life.. it is an interesting thing.. if you only know how to appreciate it. heh.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
its actually qte an interesting game.. is super easy too. and you get to win $1500 worth of prizes. ("More than $1500 worth of prizes to be won,
including a Creative Zen Neeon 5GB, an Xbox and fabulous Nivea hampers!") you have to "help" trace Angel, who is apparently a deliquent who's juz run away from home. and you do that by reading the clues provided and from the clues "guess" where angel is and submit ur answers in the form of location and keywords. y do i put "" around the word "guess"? cuz you actually dun have to do tat, cuz the answers are practically given in the clues.. location is given, and the keywords are those underlined words. so there you are, a super easy game. heh heh.
yup.. she needs 2500 respondents.. so when you're free, do help to play k.. hehe.. thanks lots~ =)
help to find angel!
Friday, February 03, 2006
You scored as Dance. You should be a Dance major! Like a lithe ballerina, you dance because you believe there is beauty in expressing the physical form.
What is your Perfect Major? |
hahaha.. note the percentage for engineering...
hmmm dunno y i've been plagued with pimples on my forehead (and temples) recently. as they're mostly tiny ones i din actually care about them, until a fren of mine actually asked me wat happened to my forehead. haiz. i'm not really under much stress lately (except when i discover i've been neglecting my fyp again), and i havent been slping too late, and its not pms cuz its been weeks plus i dun suffer much from pms (thank God, heh) so i really dunno wats up with my forehead. other (wacky) reasons tat went through my mind are
1. i'm finishing up my puberty - which means i finally get to grow taller!
2. my facial wash is not suitable for me - which is the most probable reason. so.. the only solution i can htink of now is to make the switch back to neutrogena and bioessence after i finish up with my current one, which is nivea, and which i htink is suitable only for really very good skin. heh.
but well, i'm glad at least the rest of my face is clear. hehe.
hmm and i notice a curious hting about my toes. specifically, my toe nails. you noe how nails always grow by pushing new cells to replace the dead ones at the top part of the nails in horizontal bands? well at least 2 of my toe nails (the 4th of each foot) dun grow by this way. wat happens is tat the entire SURFACE (not juz the top band) of the nail dies, and at the same time, new cells grow BENEATH them. ie the new cells are "buried" under the dead ones. so, when the new cells are about to replace hte dead ones, the dead ones peel off from teh base of teh nails, where the skin closer to the rest of my foot meets the nails, to reveal the new cells underneath. so weird right haha.
err haha.. tats all for today.. cant waste too much time on blogging.. got loads of work to do! heh.. till the next entry~
Thursday, February 02, 2006
i rem i blogged about another of my fav song, mentioned tat the song altho simple was very emotional ie expressive.. it is the same for this song. i also like this song for its lyrics.. the lyricist uses imagery to crystallise the singer's intense love for her beloved into things that we can see.. the impact generated is thus amplified. the lyricist starts with a personification of the emotions, which gradually intensifies.. from passive wanting, into active wanting. the first paragraph talks about "waiting", and the second paragraph intensifies the "want" by words like "hunger", "restlessness", and finally, in the third paragraph, the singer is depicted to be so deep the want that she becomes active and seeks out her beloved by verbs like "lay", "reinvent".
heh ok i shall stop gushing about how expressive and poetic this song is and jus let you see for yourself.. wld have uploaded a link to song if only my webstorage has enough space for it. so.. paiseh, can only let you all admire hte lyrics first, until i find space for it..
Absence of Fear
. inside my skin there is this space . it twists and turns . it bleeds and aches . inside my heart there's an empty room . its waiting for lightning . its waiting for you . and i am wanting . and i am needing you here . inside the absence of fear .
. muscle and sinew . velvet and stone . this vessel is haunted . it creaks and moans . my bones call to you . in their separate skin . i make myself translucent . to let you in, for i am wanting . and i am needing you here . inside the absence of fear .
. there is this hunger . this restlessness inside of me . and it knows that you're no stranger . you're my gravity .
. my hands will adore you through all darkness and . they will lay you out in moonlight . and reinvent your name . for i am wanting you . and i am needing you here . i need you near . inside the absence of fear .