Friday, November 23, 2007


My tears have dried,
no more can i cry.

Your love for me has faded,
like the withered flower its so jaded.

Your sincerity's just a lie,
I'm once bitten, twice shy.

Our obstacles run deep and wide,
from them we can never hide.

Let me find rest in Jesus,
in your mom's hatred i'll suffer.

You ask for an enlightenment,
in this message is the answer.

So stop procrastinating,
your passion and talents are waiting to be discovered.

be careful of holiday blues

came across the following article.. it may be written in US context and for people who already have their own families but we can still take home some of the ideas in there..

The holiday season officially begins this week, although you may feel like it has been here for a month already. For people with depression, six weeks of enforced good cheer can feel like six years of torture, complete with its own soundtrack. What do you do if you just don't feel it inside?

Holidays Got You Singing the Blues?
By: David Sternberg

It's the most wonderful time of the year, right? Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, the turkey is roasting in the oven and your neighborhood is aglow in festive lights and holiday cheer.

So how come you're so miserable?

You may be experiencing the "holiday blues," a combination of sadness and stress that affects many people this time of year, beginning with Thanksgiving and ending around New Year's.

A major contributor to the "holiday blues" is the unrealistic expectations many of us have of the holidays, due in no small part to movies, television and advertisements.

Hollywood has long portrayed the winter holidays — particularly Christmas — as a time of magic and wonder ('It's a Wonderful Life' and 'Miracle on 34th Street' are two examples). This creates a fantasy to have a sort of Norman Rockwell experience.

But when our lives, sometimes messy and complicated, don't match these media messages, it's easy to feel that we have failed in some deep and meaningful way.

"We have such high anticipation for the holidays and very unrealistic expectations," says Atlanta psychologist Marjorie Blum. "It leaves us with this feeling of dread when our idealized views are not met."

Instead, Blum notes, "we need to expect imperfections in events and in ourselves, and expand and develop new traditions."

Tradition and expectation are often intertwined at the holidays, and when the two are at odds, it's easy to become frustrated or disappointed.

"We have traditions we like to follow at certain holidays and when someone wants to deviate, it gets those who want to retain them bent out of shape and uncomfortable," says Jannette Robert Murray, a psychotherapist in Spokane, Washington.

Another factor for the "holiday blues" is family. For most of us, the holidays mean getting together with our families. For some, unfortunately, our family is not the Hallmark version but a source of tension and conflict in which longstanding grudges often get played out.

So, while we may work hard all year at avoiding our family, at the holidays we come face-to-face with their foibles, whether it's our uncle's drinking problem or our mother's not-so-subtle jabs at our parenting skills or relationship choices.

Family tension can often sap us of energy, which can already be in short supply at the holidays.

That's because we are busier than ever this time of year — cooking holiday meals, shopping for presents, attending parties, and traveling or hosting family and friends.

The increased social demands of the holidays typically affect women more than men.

"Women are so used to doing so much for everyone around them, and the stress becomes even greater around the holidays," says Linda Stolarz, a psychotherapist in New York.

"At the holidays there are so many more people to take care of, and add to that all of the shopping and cooking to do. And if you've also got work stuff to take care of, it can become a very stressful time," she added.

Making matters worse is that the good self-care we practice all year flies right out the window at the holidays. We stay up later than we normally do and don't exercise as often as usual. On top of that, we tend to overindulge on sugary and fatty foods and alcohol, adding to our lethargy.

Compounding matters is the stress of increased traffic on the roads, large crowds at the malls (particularly if we waited to the last minute to do our shopping) and long lines at the airports and train stations.

Finally, self-reflection plays a role, as many of us look back on the previous year to gauge our progress in different areas of our lives.

Sadly, we often give our losses — anything from the death of a loved one to our youngest child leaving the nest — considerably more weight than our gains. These losses are often exacerbated at holiday get-togethers for a variety of reasons.

It may be the first Christmas or Hanukkah without a loved one or we may feel as if we "should" be happy because it is supposed to be such a joyous time

Yes, the holidays can be a difficult time, but there are several things you can do to keep yourself happy and healthy. (If, however, feelings of sadness and stress continue into the new year, you should consult a mental health professional.)

1. Eat and drink in moderation
The holidays mean lots of parties where rich food and alcohol often take center stage.

"It's a time of celebration and letting go," says Blum. "The problem is our bodies are not geared for that all or nothing kind of behavior."

While it's tempting to have that third martini or second helping of pumpkin pie, the downsides are numerous and significant: hangovers and weight gain, to name just a few.

2. Set limits and boundaries with others

If family members are a source of stress, decide to spend only part of your time with them.

Just because Aunt Sarah and Uncle Robert are in town for the Thanksgiving weekend, it doesn't mean you have to spend every waking minute with them. Give yourself a break; set aside some time for yourself or with friends.

3. Ask others for help
As natural caretakers, women tend to take on most, if not all, of the social responsibilities this time of year.

You will burn yourself out trying to do it all. Aim to be more of a manger than a one-woman show. Enlist your spouse, siblings or children to help cook, shop, pick up relatives at the airport, etc.

4. Maintain a regular exercise or self-care regimen
Even at a reduced amount (say, 20 minutes of brisk walking a day versus your usual 45 minutes on the Stairmaster), exercise will help keep you feeling good physically and emotionally.

Monday, November 19, 2007

excerpt from Courage and Calling: community as conversation

We need the grace of community. We discern our vocation in community, and we fulfill it as we are anchored in mutual interdependence with others within community. Furthermore, we negotiate our vocation with others – with our spouse, with the community of faith, with people with whom we live and work – taking into consideration their actual needs and circumstances. No vocation is fulfilled in a vacuum apart from the needs and experiences of others with whom we live and work. Having a vocation never means that we are freed from the obligations and responsibilities of communal life. All vocations are communal in character.

This is not all good news; the community, even the community of faith, can be oppressive. The traditions, expectations and cultural patterns of family and community can easily undermine our capacity to become our true selves and to discern our vocation. Some people may wonder, when they consider their own context, whether it is even possible to genuinely discern vocation in their community; they may well think that their only hope is to get away and find solitude and strength and encouragement elsewhere.

We can so easily get caught up in the expectation of others. We must be wary of people who have something to gain if we fulfill their expectations, who all too easily equate their expectations with the expectations of God, whether they be parents, pastors or other authority figures. There may be times when we need to make a break, if we conclude that the personal integrity is impossible because of the oppressive character of a community.

This is where solitude is so critical, for it is in solitude that we encounter the one to whom we owe our ultimate allegiance, the one who alone can give us security, identity and purpose. This is why we cannot live merely in community. When we do, we are easily consumed by communal expectations rather than living our life in response to the voice of God.

But even as we recognize the dangers of community and affirm the need for solitude, we must come back again and again to our critical need for community, for life lived in the company of others. We are not walking – and cannot expect to be walking – this road alone. Some form of authentic community is necessary to grant us the capacity to discover ourselves and to embrace vocation.

By community we mean the capacity to live in communion with others. This communion is a means of grace, and as such it is the very stuff of life. It is really remarkable that God says that the creation is good, very good (Gen 1) but he also states that it is “not good” for Adam to be solitary (Gen 2:18). In other words, Adam needed more than God! He needed the company of others; only through this company could the radical aloneness of the human soul be overcome.

It is in community that we learn to honour one another – to honour without flattery but with a love informed by truth. It is in community that we learn forgiveness – the capacity to bear with one another, as Christ has borne our sins and forgiven us. And it is in community that we learn how to serve and be served, how to give and receive. It is in community that we love and receive love. Without community we remain fundamentally alone, one-dimensional and disconnected – not only from others but from ourselves and God.

Ultimately conversation is the greatest gift of community and the fundamental means by which community is in the Spirit is attained. It is conversation that sustains marriage, friendship and congregational life; it is conversation that enables us to work together effectively.

Most of all, though, it is in conversation – with friends and with family members, peers and with people who are older or younger than us – that we grow in wisdom, grace and strength. It is through conversation that we are encouraged, that we fill one another with courage. When we are encouraged, we are able to overcome our fears or at least keep them at bay – and know that our fears do not drive the engine of our hearts and lives.

Conversation involves two simple acts or elements. The first is the discipline and grace of listening. There is probably no greater service that we give one another than to listen. When we listen to others, we attend to them, honour them, accept them and respond to what matters most to them. Nothing so demonstrates that we love other people as does listening to them.

Of course we listen only when we resist temptation to say something, to teach something or worse, to tell people what they “should” do before we have really heard them. The death of conversation comes when we speak before we listen, when we speak before others have really spoken, when we jump to conclusions or make premature assumptions about what they are going to say.

Then of course, conversation includes speaking. But speaking must be without innuendo, complaint, or sarcasm. It is the word spoken without pretense or posturing, the word that is the truth plainly given, without exaggeration, without flattery.

Some people seem unable to speak without being patronizing; when they speak they are seeking to control or to cover their own fears. It is bad enough to speak to children with a condescending tone; but for some people patronizing speech has become a pattern, a habit of all their speaking. It undermines any possibility for genuine conversation; their words are no longer connected to their eyes, let alone their hearts.

When genuine conversation happens, it is life to us. In the listening and speaking of conversation we have the capacity for intimacy. Through conversation we come to the honesty and humility to accept who we are and to confront our innermost fears, forcing them out into the light and finding that they are not nearly as terrible as we imagined.

Through conversation with another we come to terms with our joys and sorrows; we acknowledge and live through the pain of anger, mourning and discouragement. Without conversation we are alone – alone in our fears, and worse, alone because we are disconnected from ourselves. Ironically, the truth is that we are connected to ourselves only when we are connected to others; we are capable of true self-knowledge, knowledge that enables us to know and accept the call of God, only hwen we are in communion with others.

When we are consistent in the quality of our conversation with everyone – spouse, family, colleagues and others – God, in his grace and wisdom, grants us the special friendship of a few people, perhaps two or three. We cannot find intimacy with everyone; we cannot hope to and do not need to share our deepest fears with everybody. But in the race of God we can respond intentionally to a few people – likely, but not necessarily, our peers – with whom conversation becomes increasingly honest and true, without pretense or posturing. In my relationships with the few men with whom I have this kind of friendship, we can pick up where we left off even when we have not seen each other for a year or two. I count these friendships – just three or four along the way – to be among the most precious gifts that God has given me, second only to the joy I have in married life and as a father.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

still wishing for a future that's not possible..

i'm listening to 被风吹过的夏天by JJ and Jin Sha..

i haven't listened to this song for a few months.. i havent dared to.

and just now i came across it in my music playlist.. i thought i could listen to it now.. but it turns out i'm wrong.. still flooded by memories.. still wishing for a future that is not possible..


Sunday, October 21, 2007

I MISS DANCE!!!!~~~~~!!!!!

♥ "Dancers are the only athletes who aren't allowed to show how much it hurts."

♥ "Dancing appears glamorous, easy, delightful. But the path to the paradise of that achievement is not easier than any other. There is fatigue so great that the body cries, even in its sleep. There are times of complete frustration; there are daily small deaths. " Martha Graham

♥"Dancers are the athletes of God." George Balanchine AND/OR Albert Einstein

♥ "Nothing happens in the body without happening in the brain first . . . dancing is 95% mental." Bobby Boling

♥ "Dance is the hidden language of the soul."
Martha Graham

♥ "There is such a difference when you're dancing to music you really love, when there is this meeting of music and dancer that fuses into one. Those are the experiences we live for." Alicia Alonso

♥ "Dancing allows me to explore myself in so many ways, to learn about my limitations and strengths, my ability to cope with adversity and to go farther than I thought I could. You find out what you're made of." Andrew Asnes

♥ "The heart of the dance is the heart of the dancer."
Ghazallah al-Badriyyah

♥ "Dance till the stars come down from the rafters.
Dance, dance, dance - till you drop." (Wystan Hugh) W. H. Auden

♥ "Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances." Maya Angelou

♥ "Dance is about never-ending aspiration." Judith Jamison

♥ "....great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion" Martha Graham

♥ D… Discovering New Friends
♥ A… Appreciating Your Talents
♥ N… Never Saying Never
♥ C… Confidence & Compliments
♥ E… Exploring New Heights

I MISS DANCE!!!!~~~~~!!!!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

juz being boliao..

haha got to know about this celebrity lookalike website on wenjun's blog.. its definitely an ego booster! haha!

but wenjun is right, its not really accurate.. think i only look like song hye-kyo and josie maran below only because of the angle in which i tilt my face. haha!

and i notice that teh celebrities i look like with the 2 pictures are all different! but quite a few jap/koreans eh. or issit cuz the database got many jap and korean celebrities?? oh btw thankgoodness no male celebrities showed up .. haha

Sunday, September 23, 2007

personality quiz

Your Flirt Quotient

You are 20% Flirt

fail ald lo.. who dares to say i'm a flirt doesn noe how to do maths...........

personality quiz

You Belong in Spring

Optimistic, lively, and almost always happy with the world...
You can truly appreciate the blooming nature of spring.
Whether you're planting flowers or dyeing Easter eggs, spring is definitely your season!

so contradicgtory to my previous post.. haha

personality quiz

You Are 12% Happy

You know that there's more to life than how you've been living it.
Life can be rough at times, but most of your unhappiness is self-inflicted.

personality quiz

You Are Lavender

You are a sweet person with a very soft personality.
People become easily entranced with you. They seem to glow around you.
You have a quiet energy that can keep you active late into the night.
Even if you aren't the life of the party, you definitely keep the party going.

personality quiz

Your Love Is Represented By a Pink Rose

You see love as something that should be light, fun, and whimsical.
People fall in love with you easily. And you tend to fall out of love easily!
You express your love through attention and shared experiences. You love people more than they realize.

Monday, August 13, 2007

random tots in MOS bugis

I’m now sitting in MOS burger.. and I’m amazed at this lady that’s sitting behind me now.. her voice is sooooooooooo sharp!!!! like someone who’s juz swallowed helium you noe?

what makes it worse is she looks like she's in her mid 30s.. not some young teenagers. In fact her voice is even more high pitched than teenagers!
I’ve always knew my voice is high-pitched.. but err do my voice sound like that in real life?? I really hope not. =|

And. I am getting FAT. FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT. Its not so bad if I’m getting fat all round, including my arms, thighs (yes my thighs are too skinny..) and of cuz a certain part of the female body heehee. BUT. Its only my TUMMY tats getting bigger and bigger!!! With all the fats. me having a not-so-good digestion nowadays doesn’t help as well. So my tummy gets even bigger with all the bloatedness. bleah

Friday, August 03, 2007

juz one sms.. haiz.

i'm hopeless.. really hopeles.. juz one sms.. and my walls are breaking...

my visual DNA.. its accurate!

read my visual DNA.. its really accurate! wow. i'm impressed.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

i took a pic with edmund chen!

In reverse chronological order..

-today, Saturday 14th July -
view from manhattan fish market at clarke quay. had a v filling dinner today with serene and desmond. =) bought clothes AGAIN (like the 12th 13th pcs of clothes over the last 3 weeks) worth a total of 47.. for 1 dress and 1 top... not too ex lar =p

wedding service programme.. eh i juz cant get it to rotate to teh right orientation..went to pastor lijuan's wedding today..i was really really emotional.. dunno why i so emotional also.. a group of us presented a song to her, and while singing i was crying.. i guess its cuz the lyrics of the song really reflected how i felt..and tat is gratefulness for the wisdom and change in life that she inspired in me, through her love and care.. thank you Lijuan. i will miss you..i know He will bless your marriage richly.. and also your ministry, no matter in which part of teh world you're serving in... oh btw take a look at the satin flowers at the corner of the programme.. nice!

-Friday, 13th July-
a book mark that i juz bought for myself on Friday, 13th July. Stained glass is one of my favourite forms of handicraft.. and on the bookmark is engraved the last paragraph of my favourite christian poem. reminds me to that He is always there with me even though i may not be able to see Him..

LV wallet! but dunno whether is real or fake tho... haha i really hope its a fake cuz its a gift!! wld feel bad to receive sthg so expensive =p. received this on Friday before helping the sender to look for a birthday gift for his girlfriend at tampines. haha i'm thinking if he can give me the LV wallet he most probably wld think its cheapo to give his gf the gifts which i suggested.. which cost like ard 50 bux each haha.

-Wednesday, 11th July-
heehee happened to be at lido on teh day of harry potter premiere.. saw lots of stars! dawn yeo, hong huifang and family, and of cuz edmund chen and family.. i heard zoe tay was there as well but i din see her.

Friday, July 06, 2007

recently I have decided to do some slight improvements to the page to make it more user friendly. this is becuz i am now workignin a web usability firm, and how can someone who is working on usability have a lousy interface???

but. i'm kinda busy at the moment, (cuz i've been piled with some miscellaneous work by my oh-so-dear boss who thinks since i'm not handling any project right now i'm super free.) so will be doing the layout changes mebbe over the wkend or later. hmmm i'm not sure when tat later will be haha. but in the meanwhile you can notice some links related to usability/ergonomics on the "friends" section, but (after working in this usability firm) i realise that my blog page isnt exactly a very usable design so heh its not a surprise if you take some time to actually spot the new links =p

now drinking my favourite milkshake i.e. avocado milkshake! havnet drunk anything close to my fav crystal jade avocado milkshake other than this one. hehe. i bought this at a stall in alexandra village market. hee hee.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Your Beauty Element is Air

You're quirky, fresh, and fashionable in a surprising way.
You have a beauty that's all your own, and it changes as quickly as the wind!

You Communicate Like a Woman

You empathize, talk things out, and express your emotions freely.
You're a good listener, and you're non-judgmental with your advice.
Communication is how you connect with people.
You're always up for a long talk, no matter how difficult the subject matter is.

of cuz.. i'm a woman wat.
The Part of You That No One Sees

You are balanced, peaceful, and sincere.
You're the type of person who goes along to get along.
And you're definitely afraid of rocking the boat.

Underneath it all, you fear your world falling apart.
You'll put up with a situation that you don't like in fear of changing it.
Disruptive and forceful people intimidate you - and sometimes exploit you.
You Are 12% Nerdy

You are definitely not nerdy - in fact, you probably don't know any nerds.
You probably care a little too much about your image. No one will know if you secretly watch Star Trek reruns!
You've Changed 32% in 10 Years

Ah, the past! You may not remember it well - because you're still living in it.
While you've changed some, you may want to update your wardrobe, music collection and circle of friends.
You Are Sunshine

Soothing and calm
You are often held up by others as the ideal
But too much of you, and they'll get burned

You are best known for: your warmth

Your dominant state: connecting

Monday, July 02, 2007

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.
You Are 36% Lady

You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside.
And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking.
You are a Dark Red Rose

You represent unconscious beauty and deep passion.

Your vibe: sophisticated and worldly

Falling in love with you is: wildly carnal and forbidden

Sunday, June 03, 2007

a post that i typed but din post a few weeks ago..

SURPRISE!!! i'm BACK!! bet all of you didnt expect me to post entries, ever again.

well, i dunno y but i juz feel like writing about some thought tat i had just now.. and mebbe the fact that i'm kinda stressed over work contributes to teh blogging mood as well..

you noe, i htink i'm crazy.. i'm currently watching htis bridal channel on the internet where they show dozens and dozens of bridal fashion shows, real weddings, weddign tips, and things to buy for your wedding... haa..and i'm glued to the computer screen now lke i'm glued to teh tv.. the gowns juz wow me.. tey're so pretty!! i've seen a few that i'l really like to wear on my wedding.. and i' boggled by the many things tat you can/shd by for a wedding.. like wedding favours (i din even noe wats tat!! do you??), table placement cards tat guests can bring home as souvenirs.. etc.. i wonder how much those weddings featured in this channel cost.. haha..

but i'm crazy to be watching htis channel now.. cuz its not like i'm getting married anytime soon.. in fact.. i'm kinda depressed over my love life.. its been so messy these past few months.. actually, i havent had a smoothsailing rship since my first one.. i wonder why He is putting me through all these.. mebbe every guy tat comes romanticaly into my life is a test for me.. and i keep failing all the tests?? haa dunno wat i' talking about.. or am i just meant to lead a life free of romantic relationships??

right now i'm facing some problems with this guy.. and i feel so helpless.. there are so many things that i'm upset about..i suspect alot of times i'm just being sensitive and over demanding.. but am i really wrong to want to be loved/pampered by the person i love?? after all, EVERY gal needs pampering.. (it just depends on how much and in wat way the gal wld prefer) and mebbe i shldnt expect him to love me the way i love him..

haizzz...all these times my friends have been there to support me..thanks to all of you.. i really apreciate it.. =D

anw, back to the topic... i was wondering why pp spend so much time and effort on their wedding..which is just one day and which will be followed by back-to-normal life (esp for caucasians who mostly live with their partners before marriage). but now i think i know..guess the only reason that i'll want to make it special would be cuz i'm holding it with the someone i love.. its just like why i really enjoyed gg to the URA (urban redevelopment authority) noe?

i used to think pp make their weddign special juz cuz its the norm to do so.. now i think mebbe not..

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Your Boss Isn't Psycho, but Your Boss Stinks

Your boss is probably not mental. Still, your boss is not competent or professional.
You may want to transfer departments or get a new job, before your boss sucks out your soul.
