Tuesday, August 30, 2005

watched this today:

its actually a documentary, for those who dun need excitign story lines, this wld be qte a good movie.. describes the annual journey of teh emperor penguins from the oceans to teh Oamocks - sthg like vast plains of ice - over winter and overcoming several fatal hurdles to give life.. the narratives from the father/mother penguin perspective lends some plot to the documentary, and allows for qte alot of really funny and cute, and sometimes even tragedic moments.

some more pics:

the following pics are not really from teh movie websites, so may not be shots taken from teh movie, but nevertheless, they describe some scenes from teh movie as well.

heh heh.. now im' qte hooked onto these cute little tuxedo-wearing mammals.. they're even featured prominently on my msn display pic! heh heh.

if you're interested, here's some info on the
emperor penguins..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

ehhhh i htink im' losing steam. projects beginning to seem insurmountable, i'm losing my grip on tutorials and i'm not attending all the lectures le. esp teh first ones in the day (heh heh cuz i've been waking up late).

somehow, the lil drive i had in my academic life these past few weeks is beginning to fizzle out. i wonder why.. juz hope i get back to normal soon.. but right now even tho i've got at least 2 projs and 1 assignment which need my immediate attn, all i wanna do is sit here and stone. oh wait mebbe not. i still haven really recovered completely from the break up. dun wanna think here think there leh. juz makes my heart ache and my mood melancholy only.


Friday, August 19, 2005

hehe another of my good frens juz got attached!! me happy happy.. hehe.. =D well they seem really xin fu, and i hope they'll stay this way, if not better, for ever~~

this guy ah.. usually dun blog one, dun even dare to read my blog!! he say he not accustomed to reading about pp's private lives.. duhz~~ but now cuz of this gal he start blogging..heh teh power of love ya.. but i havent had a chance to ask him for permission to link to his blog from mine.. so you dun see any new additions at teh "friends" section. ya... i really hope to see many happy entries to come in his blog.. never ever be like the entries in this archive..heh heh.

whew gotta go back to do doing work.. im late le!! as usual =p

Thursday, August 18, 2005

gee. i juz saw a person wearing a bright red cardigan with the hood over his head, covering his eyes in teh cits lab. i mean its cold but it's not -50 degrees Celcius, you noe??? think he's weird..

and yes 11.03pm and i'm still in teh lab. sighz spent the whole night in school but no results.. i wasted the whole night!!!! told ya i'm i'm really a lousy researcher. oh wait, correction : 'im NOT a researcher. AT ALL. bleah.

eh i better go now before i miss the last train....
its 9pm and i'm in cits lab. i juz got here actually, i was in library 2 prior to this.

previously i've always thought the comps in cits lab was better than teh libraries, cuz
1. cits lab enables right click whereas the libraries do not, hence making some stuff inconvenient eg when you have to choose other options from teh right click menu other than the copy and paste functions
2. the comps here are juz a lil bit faster than those in the libraries, esp for the start up.
3. you can use a newer version of msn messenger here than in the lib, msn 6.2 compared to the old messenger (dun even noe which version, its those kind where there isnt even any display picture) in the libraries.

and the only advantages in using the library was close proximity to textbooks (which is of not much use to me usually, heh heh heh) and the printing shop, where notes are sold.

but juz now, cuz i was doign research and so having textbooks near me wld be good, i chose to go library 2 to use the comp terminals there. and lo and behold! i found earphones in every terminal! if i'm not wrong they were only installed recently, in the past there WERE earphones but only a handful of terminals have it. and of cuz given the large number of pp usign the comp terminals at any one time (esp durign the daytime), you dun really have the luxury of choosing which comp terminals to use. so more often than not, you'd be stuck with a comp w/out earphones.

so wats teh big deal about having earphones in school terminals. big deal i say!! try getting yourself stuck in school to do research at 9pm, when all the others are at home/hall enjoying their fav tv show and you'll noe. music definitely makes things better.

yup. think i'll go library next time i have to work late into teh night in school. the cushioned chair and carpeted floor helps too. haha.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

so here i am in school having a headache. things botherign me right now:

lost my matric card. i dunno where i lost it, last time i used it was yesterday at the library's printign room. i asked the printing room and library staff but neither of tehm have reports of missing matric cards. adn the thign is, its not the first thing i discoverd missing today. the otehr is a purple hairpin, which is really pretty cuzits got swarovski crystals all over it. furthermore its a gift from someone, i feel like i've let him down by losing his gift. urrgh.

and i'm supposed to do some research. but im' really afraid to do it. i'm terribly lousy at research i tell you. its like tehre're sucha wealth of informatino out there (in teh library, in the internet also) how am i suppposed to know where to look??? the keywords in type into google always give me rubbish or scanty results. and as for the library, seems like i have to read through every remotely related book to glean watever little information they hold each. im' so scared im' procrastinating.. and this thing is holding me from completign the rest of wat i've to do. which doesnt really feel very little. bleah..........

sighz. i think i'll go eat dinner alone again before subjecting myself to doing 4 hours of onlien research in the freezing cits lab (hopefully i'll be able to get some useful results out). cheer up, wispie.

Monday, August 15, 2005

hmmmm i think there's a new flavour of instant mee?? the bak kut teh one right??? i'm thinking mebbe i shld give instant mee another chance. hope i dun get disappointed again!!!

i juz downloaded this K one song called Yong3 Gan3 Qu4 Ai4. i asked many pp if htey have it, and all of them said no. izzit really so nan2 ting1 that no one wans it????? i tot it's qte boppy..qte cheery wat. hmmmmmm as my taste in music degenerated or wat??????????

came back from playing tennis.. my first time!!!! sighz kept missing the ball. even when i managed to hit hte ball the racket was the wrong angle, or the ball din make contact w my racket in the middle of the racket, or juz plain no strength, or no follow through. all bad shots. bleah. in the end had to trouble my partner w most of the shots. ironically at the end of the game i was the one who was more shacked out. heh.. lousy me.

i prepared 2 blog entries this past week. but din have the chance to post. but got them written tho. will post when i have the time. been qte busy recently cuz of starting of school. have been managing qte well, not too much back log yet. and i hope not ever for the rest of my school life!!! *cross fingers*
there's a course organised by my church, lessons are gonna be on saturday. i've been wanting to sign up, but when i realised its gonna disrupt my new habit of doign tuts on saturdays, i changed my mind bout signing up.. hmmm but i feel kinda bad about it.. for "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." by not signing up so that i wont disrupt my saturday tutorials, arent I tellign God "Hey God, you're important but my tutorials are more important than You. I cant trust that You'll take care of my tutorials once i juz keep my eyes on you." I actually have a big issue with this, cuz its not the first time i'm telling Him this, and its not juz tutorials that's in that sentence.. in it htere are so much more things.. so much so much more.. i dunno whether i'm being harsher on myself than He is on me, but i feel.. like i'm a big sinner cuz of this..and so.. thats wat i say to Him:

"Dear Father, i know i have sinned. sinned in putting so many other htings in the centre of my life..but not You. but Father, i'm sure You know, that its so hard.. so hard to keep you in the centre in our depraved world today.. wehre distractions and temptations abound. Please forgive me and.. help me..guide me, give me wisdom and strength to follow You. in the name of Jesus Christ i pray, amen. "

callign all my bros and sises, i need encouragement, advice.. if you have any.. do fill me in k... thx a million..

oooh so late.. think i'll go slp now!! oh gotta rub ointment on my forearms.. its so sore from tennis!!! and my fren says its gonna get worse tmr... bleah.

and sometimes, deep down.. when i receive a msg, i secretly wish..that its you.. but i guess things are better this way....