Sunday, April 03, 2005

i lost my phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sobz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i lost it on the bus.. put it on my lap to free up my hand so tat i cld adjust my skirt.. and apparently din realise it dropped when i alighted from teh bus.

and the STOOOPID thing is. i realised i lost it like 5 min after i alighted. i called sbs soon after. but they said all they cld do was to wait at the terminal and inform me if anyone reported a lost hp. i mean, i was sure the phone was still on the bus when i called sbs. if only they cld juz talk to the driver of tat bus there and then, i wldn't have lost it loh. but no........ they "didn't have walkie talkies".. so .. i cld only juz let my phone go juz like tat......... new and beloved SE k700: mp3 player, radio and camera all in one.............. gone juz like tat.

its highly unlikely tat my phone will be returned.. cuz apparently rainne called me after i lost the hp and her phonecall got rejected.. and if that person meant to return my hp, he'd have picked up the call and told her tat my phone is lost right???

sighz if i ever pick up a lost hp, i'll definitely return it. cuz its really heartbreaking to lose one... sobz

i dunno whether i shld get back the same model.. cuz i shld think the retail price is much more htan wat i got it for (with 2 year plan with starhub).. ya.. tats one major reason why my heart is so pain now..............
boo hoo....

learnt a few lessons from htis:
1. never wear tat skirt again, so tat i wont have to adjust it and thus absentmindedly put my hp on my lap.
2. never travel on sbs buses again

haha ok i was juz joking. of cuz i'll wear tat skirt again (cuz my inventory of skirts isn't tat big, and i do like to wear things other than jeans) and of cuz i'll have to take sbs buses again.

anw ya so.. now i have to hunt for replacement phones.. any kind souls with extra phones to lend??

and in the meantime, i guess i wont be contactable.. can only contact me via email or msn.. sighz..

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