Monday, December 20, 2004

i realised how come there are so many sad entries but comparatively little happy ones. cuz when im sad, i tend to blog more.. in this way i'm hoping that my sadness will be purged out of my system. but when im' happy, i'm too busy enjoying my happiness to blog. heeez.

and today i realised why nowadays i've been so confused and afraid and disappointed. cuz in the past, i was sheltered by my parents, by dhs, by my youth. i din have to make much major decisions, and even when i did, the consequences of making the wrong ones wasnt that great. basically, my path was laid out for me, and all i had to do was to follow it.

but now........
i can't say i've grown up, but i can definitely say im' starting to, at least. and the journey is difficult. uncertainties here there everywhere.....fraught with so many things to consider, to be mindful of.

everyone wants to stay in their comfort zone. me too. but pp say to me: to learn, you have to fall. i learnt cycling without falling down.. can i repeat the feat again???

i'm definitely looking forward to the rainbow at the end of the rain..

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