Below is a post from David's blog..
Making our own sense of things...
During Touchpoint last week, we heard a message by Chip Ingram - Trusting God when He doesn't make sense... touching on the story whereby Jesus allowed Lazarus to pass away instead of going down to heal him right from the start...
And a couple of days later, as I was sharing with Ben, we were discussing about how things may be uncertain and it is in these moments of uncertainties and out-of-comfort-zone experiences that challenges us in our belief of Him...
We have a knack to look for illumination... we HAVE TO see where we are going, otherwise we will panic... it makes no sense to walk in the darkness at all and hope to get to somewhere.. but i do recall a passage in the bible which deals with this issue:
"Let him who walks in the the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand: you will lie down in torment"
- Book of Isaiah 50:10-11
Let me adapt something from Dr Larry Crabb's book - Connecting... :
"There is an enormous difference between the joy of discovery and the passion to explain. The former gives life a sense of adventure. The latter makes us hate mystery......
For those who enjoy discovery because they know a good God is moving through the chaos toward a wonderful conclusion, mystery poses no problem. It is welcomed. Explain what you can, and relax even when you can't . But for those ruled by a passion to explain, for those who insist on feeling confident in their own plans, mystery is offensive. They want to know exactly what they must do to provide for their economic future, to restore harmony in their relationships, to succeed in their career of ministry. Confusion is an enemy. Uncertainty is a challenge to overcome....
Fire lighters love formulas. They live by them. When they can't devise their own, they turn to experts who confidently tell them what to do to achieve desired results. When fire lighters try to help people, they are more concerned with doing it right than touching others' souls. They trust their own model for helping more than the voice of God, more than the Spirit speaking through His Word into their redeemed hearts. Connecting is replaced by control. Fire lighters work too hard. They follow theory too closely; they depend too much on approved technique."
We can't get by trials in life, or life in general, trying to follow formulas... we do not get through difficult times via formulas.. It never starts with METHODS... it always begin at the heart... every journey we take in our lives starts very first in our hearts, not in our feet... and every help we extend to people starts with our hearts too, not with our hands....
Randomised Thought
5 years ago
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