here's an article from career central june 2006 which i found to be useful. it is about job burnout, a condition whereby pp dread gg to work at the start of everyweek. haha and i actually tot monday blues was unavoidable. anw, i typed all this out lo.. pls at least scan till the end of the post to make my efforts worthwhile.. =p besides thats where the solutions for job burnout are, so it will be worth reading too..
"In today's fast-paced world, experiencing job burnout may be a phenomenon which is common and even understandable. as teh pace of globalisation increases, singaporeans ahve to constantly prove their worth in a global marketplace to keep their jobs.
Often, employees stretch themselves beyond breaking point to out-perform their colleagues or to meet the expectations of their employees, in the hope of securing tat promotion or salary increments. there are those who have survived retrenchment, only to find themselves putting in extra hours to cover the work of those who've left.
What is job burnout?
Job burnout occurs when a person pushes himself too hard and subjects himself to stress or long hours of work without taking breaks or sufficient rests. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines burnout as "exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation, usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration".
The causes of job burnout are diverse and different for everyone. even if you are not putting in extra hours at work, you may suffer from burnout if your work does not pique ur interest at all. also experiencing job burnout does not necessarily mean tat you detest your job - it's possible for you to experience burnout even when you're working in your dream job.
Jonathan Yue, 25, who was working as a logistics assistant, shares his job burnout episode. "i used to work in a local firm and truly liked the nature of my job. however, my bosses tended to give me tasks where i had no idea of what i was doing or even why i was made to do them. if the task went fine, that was the end of the matter. but if any problems occurred, i was answerable to them."
Jonathan adds, "at first, i could deal with their work attitude and the way i was treated. however, a few months later, i began to feel more stressed and unhappy. i smoked more and became moody. for the sake of my health, i decided to quit and find a new job."
Symptoms of burnout
Feeling moody and stressed are some symptoms of job burnout. others may feel like skipping work and spend teh day hiding in bed while soe may come to work late, unkempt, fatigued adn irritable. others may waste their time checking mails instead of cleawring up their piling work. you may also experience forgetfulness, random bouts of crying and an inability to concentrate. you feel bored with your work, and cant recall why the job used to appeal to you. even your wonderfully witty colleagues and bosses start to sseem like annoying creatures that simply would not leave you alone.
Gordon Phua, 26, suffered from burnout in his previous job as a programmer because he was severely underpaid. he felt depressed and had to drag himself to work only after a few weeks into his new job. he says, "i simply felt like sleeping. perhaps it was escapism because i wanted to evade the issues that were making me unhappy at work. in the end i quit my job because i could not deal with it. it was simply not good for me."
Burnout solutions
Although Jonathan and Gordon resorted to quitting their jobs, be aware that this is not the long term solution to the problem.
to begin, you have to examine the reasons that may have caused you to feel burned out from your job. Begin by asking yourself the following:
1. When did you start feeling like you are suffering from job burnout? is there a particular period or date?
2. What were the significant events that ignited these feelings? were there any restructuring, retrenchment, change in management, job scope or changes in the industry?
3. where do you feel that you suffer most from job burnout? is it in the office or at home becuz you have to rush out the extra work tat you brought back?
once you have determined the cause(s), it is time to list down the ways you can overcome job burnout
Here are some suggestions that you can adopt to make your like at work a calmer and happier one:
1. Reach out and ask for help. Speak to your boss or colleagues about what you are feeling and ask them for help in resolving hte problems you are facing. your boss for eg, has the power to modify yoru job scope to suit your feedback, extend deadlines where possible and increase your pay if you give justifiable rasons. your colleagues can also help wiht your workload. even if it does not solve your problems, you will find listening ears which may help you feel less depressed about work.
2. switch depts. if you have reached your maximum potential in a job and feel that you are no longer "growing" on the job, it is time to request for new challenges or more responsibilities in the same company.
3. pick up a hobby. you may be feeling the sting of job burnout simply becuz you do not factor in "fun times" into ur hectic life. picking up an exciting hobby like salsa for eg, will help you be refreshed and allow you to tackle your job with new-found exuberance.
4. go on dates. go out with your partner, friends, family members after work or during the weekends and allow yourself to be swept away with social affairs instead of living, htinking and breathing your job. having a break may just make you a better performer.
5. take a holiday. go to a far-off island in the middle of nowhere, clad yourself in beachwear, sip a margarita and allow nature to soothe your frazzled nerves. even a trip to nearby bintan or batam may be the antidote for your burnout.
6. leave time for yourself. whether it is reading or jogging, always have some time to yourself to unwind from a stressful day at work. this will give you peace of mind and leave you recharged mentally and physically. those happier at work are those who have a well-balanced life with time for themselves.
If all else fails, find a new job! it is better to change jobs and even accept a pay reduction if it will return your sanity and make you feel better."
heh heh.. typed this in about half an hour.. so pardon the typos.. =p
Randomised Thought
5 years ago