Tuesday, August 30, 2005

watched this today:

its actually a documentary, for those who dun need excitign story lines, this wld be qte a good movie.. describes the annual journey of teh emperor penguins from the oceans to teh Oamocks - sthg like vast plains of ice - over winter and overcoming several fatal hurdles to give life.. the narratives from the father/mother penguin perspective lends some plot to the documentary, and allows for qte alot of really funny and cute, and sometimes even tragedic moments.

some more pics:

the following pics are not really from teh movie websites, so may not be shots taken from teh movie, but nevertheless, they describe some scenes from teh movie as well.

heh heh.. now im' qte hooked onto these cute little tuxedo-wearing mammals.. they're even featured prominently on my msn display pic! heh heh.

if you're interested, here's some info on the
emperor penguins..

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