its 9pm and i'm in cits lab. i juz got here actually, i was in library 2 prior to this.
previously i've always thought the comps in cits lab was better than teh libraries, cuz
1. cits lab enables right click whereas the libraries do not, hence making some stuff inconvenient eg when you have to choose other options from teh right click menu other than the copy and paste functions
2. the comps here are juz a lil bit faster than those in the libraries, esp for the start up.
3. you can use a newer version of msn messenger here than in the lib, msn 6.2 compared to the old messenger (dun even noe which version, its those kind where there isnt even any display picture) in the libraries.
and the only advantages in using the library was close proximity to textbooks (which is of not much use to me usually, heh heh heh) and the printing shop, where notes are sold.
but juz now, cuz i was doign research and so having textbooks near me wld be good, i chose to go library 2 to use the comp terminals there. and lo and behold! i found earphones in every terminal! if i'm not wrong they were only installed recently, in the past there WERE earphones but only a handful of terminals have it. and of cuz given the large number of pp usign the comp terminals at any one time (esp durign the daytime), you dun really have the luxury of choosing which comp terminals to use. so more often than not, you'd be stuck with a comp w/out earphones.
so wats teh big deal about having earphones in school terminals. big deal i say!! try getting yourself stuck in school to do research at 9pm, when all the others are at home/hall enjoying their fav tv show and you'll noe. music definitely makes things better.
yup. think i'll go library next time i have to work late into teh night in school. the cushioned chair and carpeted floor helps too. haha.