Tuesday, July 13, 2004

music of the moment: Day Without Rain by Enya

its very true. wat's very true? i'm talking about the "comfort zone syndrome". my sis and my godbro were juz talking about it last night. they were saying how this syndrome keeps them from changing jobs. (my sis's an air stewardess with sia -- i'm very different from my sis, physically at least -- and my godbro's a mech engineer with saf -- oh he juz got promoted to the rank of major)

for me, its more of inertia to break out of my usual lifestyle, or to break out of my usual thinking habits even tho i know i wont get anywhere with them. like right now, i've got a chance to design something and hence start my portfolio. wanted to make use of my free afternoon today to do it, but in the end, the forecast of silly probs (no ideas, slowing down of comp system) made me procrastinate till now. and still procrastinating. ridiculous right.

mebbe this is an excuse, but i think i need rest. have been on higher than normal drive for teh past 2mths, its time i rested i think. especially now when i need to recuperate for school reopening (it's happening in less than 2 weeks time!!ARRGH!!). cuz term time is a very tiring time for me.. and there'll be no rest until recess. and even then i dun htink i can rest much cuz i'll b busy catchign up on my studies. sigh.

but wat pressures me most is tat i feel guilty bout resting! read in wink and grow rich tat there's a season for everything, and i totally agree. and i guess mebbe now is my autumn time? heez. but there's so many things to do, and i keep feelign guilty bout my never-ending procrastinations.

ok i guess by this time anyone reading htis wld think "y dun this silly gal juz once and for all decide whether she wants to rest or stop procrastinating, wldnt tat solve all the probs.."
i totally agree. and so i shall go meditate on it. haaaaaaaaaa................a bientot, peeps! heh

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