Saturday, April 03, 2004

music of the moment: AnOtheR number in Love Actually OST *luurrve that sound track =D*

juz now went to read a fren's webbie.. brought back some memories.......caused a slight heartache..

realised that all of us have changed.. the rships between me and my close frens have changed too.. i miss the late night talks that me and ex-rmie used to share, and the daily concern from a fren whom i seldom talk to now..

have drifted from so many a fren....... either due to our busy schedules.. or cuz of other regretful factors.....

there will be many pple in your life, but who makes an impact? who's there to pick you up when you fall, who's there to encourage you and help you see further?? who's there to help you grow, who's there to accept all the flaws in you? and who's there to love you? For they are God's blessings to all of us..

Frens..i have learnt to treasure them, but have not learnt to stop them from drifting..and tats possibly the greatest pity in frenships..

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