Tuesday, December 22, 2009

happi dae

today is a happy day.. (at least, so far)

happy because
1. dun have to go to work today
2. had a good quiet time/facial mask time today
3. face is glowing
4. have plenty of 爱情的滋润 from my boy
5. listening to my fav chacha song and feeling the beat.. and tho not enjoying the dance with my body, am enjoying it in my spirit
6. just h.a.p.p.y. =D

for every good thing comes from God.

suddenly i rem the scene where jake discovers and wonder at the new world set before him, ready to discover and wonder at even more things in the days to come.

dance... dance... dance all day.........................

Monday, September 07, 2009

How Nerdy Are You?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Red-faced Asian drinkers at oesophageal cancer risk

Skin flush after alcohol indicates an enzyme deficiency that puts them at higher risk of getting oesophageal cancer. -Reuters

Tue, Mar 24, 2009

By Julie Steenhuysen

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Asians who get red in the face when they drink too much alcohol have a higher risk of getting cancer of the oesophagus, US and Japanese researchers said on Monday.

They said about a third of East Asians -- Chinese, Japanese and Koreans -- have an enzyme deficiency that causes their skin to flush when they drink alcohol, and this trait puts them at higher risk of developing oesophageal cancer, an especially deadly type with five-year survival rates of 12 to 31 percent.

"People are fairly well aware of this physical characteristic, which is sometimes called the Asian alcohol response or the Asian flush," said Philip Brooks of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, whose study appears in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS Medicine.

"I don't think people are aware that it is a warning sign for being at risk of esophageal cancer when they drink alcohol. That is what we wanted to point out," said Brooks, who worked on the study with Dr. Akira Yokoyama from the Kurihama Alcohol Center in Japan.

Brooks estimates that at least 540 million people have this alcohol-related increased risk for esophageal cancer.

He said the flushing response occurs in people who have a variation in the ALDH gene, which makes an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 that helps the body metabolize alcohol.

People with two copies of this gene variant have such extreme symptoms of flushing, nausea, and racing heart beat that they avoid drinking alcohol.

"They are basically at somewhat reduced risk of developing esophageal cancer because drinking alcohol for anybody is a risk factor for esophageal cancer," Brooks said in a telephone interview.

"The concern is for people who have one copy," he said, because they can tolerate drinking.

"In general, people with one copy have about a six to tenfold increase in the incidence of esophageal cancer."

Brooks said doctors should ask patients of East Asian descent of they have a history of facial flushing when they drink.

And he said university health professionals need to be aware of the link between facial flushing and cancer risk since many young people experiment with heavy drinking in college.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

i need to refocus

i realised also that my life is STILL centering around a certain pivot, which caused me to spiral in to darkness and perhaps even depression earlier.

i had tot that i had already recovered, but apparently not.

i really need to try harder at shifting the pivot to something else.....................

Friday, January 30, 2009

another reason for me to look for a christian bf

i juz realised sthg tat i took for granted...

and tat is, i am DEFINITELY going to have a church wedding when i get married (as of now i am still single and available, pls dun be mistaken haha)

i have always assumed tat i'm definitely going to have a church wedding, but recently i realised that htis isnt going to happen unless i marry a christian. (cuz my church only allows couples who are both christian to get married in the premises, and besides it juz feels meaningless to get married to a nonchristian before God)

so. another reason for me to look for a christian bf!!!! muahahahahaa

Saturday, January 17, 2009

gum gum bubble gum

Gum gum bubble gum - tat's my new life-changing phrase from now on.

my customer had (wanted to) utter it when i put on the watch for him, and its the first time i heard this phrase. let me say it again: gum gum bubble gum.

i had said worryingly "hmmm it still looks v loose on you..", with a little frown on my face, when he surprised me by saying "oh really? and i was about to say gum gum bubble gum!" and he proceeded to shake his wrist happily, trying to prove to both of us that teh watch is indeed fitting nicely.

i bet you're thinking ok gum gum bubble gum sounds cute, but wats so life-changing about it???

yup, on the surface, it means nothing. but it really gave me a new perspective on life after i heard it. because my customer didn't say "no it fits nicely" in a merely satisfied way, he said (ok was about to say) "gum gum bubble gum" cheerily. and there is a difference you noe, between those 2 phrases.

the first phrase shows that teh customer is satisfied with the watch, but the second phrase shows much more.. it shows that the customer is feeling jovial, even playful, despite deciding to spend $4k on a watch just 20minutes earlier. and teh keyword here is "playful". he's actually feeling playful even though he's spending 4k at one go in really bad times.

it suddenly struck me that this person infront of me, my customer, is (or rather, may, since i dun really know him v well) someone who can overcome bad times and difficulties with a pinch of salt.

and i think tats a v good model to follow isnt it? i'm really inspired to live my life like tat.. even in bad times you are joyful.. WOW. it really brings light into life. and not juz the person's own life but those around him as well, cuz as the bible says, a light on a hill cannot be hidden.

i now realise that being thankful for the good among the bad is good, but not good enough. its much better to be JOYFUL for the good things, to really ENJOY God's blessings even when you're going through bad times. THAT, i believe will really change many lives.

but hmmmm its not easy at all to shine like this for others. then we can only depend on our Lord Jesus to help us be like tat. TRUST, then TRY. =)

PS: ok either tat guy's really inspirational or he's really filthy rich enough not to care about a miserable 4k in bad times. i'm assuming the former.